Hey loves! Passed few days were extremely hectic but entertaining. As you might have seen there is a great press around Marni at H&M event and we are truly grateful. Considering my outfit; it’s a simple one, not too loud with a floral touch. I wasn’t a huge fun of kimonos, to be honest, but I changed my mind the moment I saw this one. Experimenting is always good, right??
P.S. The 8th of March is a day with great meaning to us. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMAN’S DAY!!
March 8, 2012
Nice outfit girl!!!
sou paei polu!!!!
March 9, 2012
Kouklistiko! To latrepsa!
March 9, 2012
Omorfo den einai?? Den to eixa polu sumpathisei stin arxi alla twra mou aresei polu!
March 9, 2012
oooh i really loved that H&M kimono thing!
u look great
March 9, 2012
Thank you! Loved it too :)
March 9, 2012
@StyleFax Thank you sweetie! <3