It all started with a phone call. "Hello Claire and Vasia. Your blog is nominated for the Marie Claire Blog Awards 2015, Congratulations!". We tried to remain calm (not for long), but literally screamed out of joy and happiness after hanging up! Then came the meeting lunch; we met all the nominees and we were assigned with our challenges. From that ...
Bosch Brilliant Care: Fashion Week Ready
Fashion Week is one of the most anxious, but at the same time the most fabulous period in a fashion's blogger life. The whole preparation, the shows and all the different outfits and hairstyles you need to carefully choose... Paparazzi are all around! During this period, our hair need some extra care. Every day we choose a different hairstyle like straight, ...
Hair tips with Bosch Brilliant Care Every single one of us wants to have shiny and ultra soft hair. Specially, during summer time, when the sun and the sea dry them a lot and make them look dull and damaged. On the other hand you may say, "I use oil drops or styling products" to keep them hydrated, or even better a sun care spray during your ...
Bosch Brilliant Care: Beach waves
I must admit, I'm a huge lover of curls and as I have long hair, it can take hours to curl them all. The procedure needs to be repeated for each piece of hair, resulting in dull hair and very dry curls. But who said that you can't have shiny, soft and "full of life" curls? I tried the Bosch Keratin ...
Bosch Brilliant Care: Party ready
I'm using flat iron for over a decade and I know how crucial it is to find the one that doesn't damage your hair. With Fashion has it.. being a nominee for the Marie Claire Blog Awards 2015, I had the chance to try the Bosch flat iron Brilliant Care Keratin Advance that protects the heat-sensitive protein keratin and maintain ...