AXDW Day 2 – JeAns

One other show we attended today was β€œJeAns”. The concept of the catwalk was really smart and made the show more vivid. Models were changing their first outfit on the catwalk, that is why you will see below at the photos the before and after outfit. They are the exact same clothes but with few changes. Imagine wearing trousers in the morning and then you want to go out for a drink. You just unzip your trousers, and voila you have your dress!

Overall extract: Well organized and inspired catwalk (Won the Best Catwalk award, we personally wanted to win the Best New Designer award). Wearable outfits and chic lines. Thumbs up for JeAns!

You can wear it as a maxi skirt or as a coat.. It’s up to you!


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